Reproduction And
Transfer Of Stem Cells

Reproduction And Transfer Of Stem Cells

Dr. Ozsular will either take 3 to 5 mm incision/biopsies from behind your ear (without impairing your appearance), or take a small amount of fat from any adipose part of your body via a mini liposuction. Such tissues are rich in stem cells. These cells are then sent for reproduction (a 4 – 6 week-long procedure) to stem cell laboratories that have been approved by the Turkish Ministry of Health under special transportation conditions. They are then returned to the clinic and stored under special storage conditions until it is time for transplantation.  

Your cells need time adapt to their new environment and bond. Thus, you won’t see the effects for at least 2 to 12 months later – time is everything.  Stem cell transfer will boost the number of fibroblast cells in the region they’ve been injected, restoring it to what it once was 4 to 8 years earlier.

The permanence of its effects depends on the death rate of your fibroblast cells – in other words, how fast you age. You begin to see its effects as late as three years later.

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Ask The Doctor...

    Can The Procedure Be Repeated?

    The procedure is reliable because it is based on only your own cells. It is FDA-approved. You can have it repeated a year after your initial procedure.


    More stem cells get transferred

    The cells will make restore your skin’s vividness and make you look younger.

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