Lip Lift

Operation Period
30 min. - 1 hour
5 Days
Hospital Stay
Dressing Period
Thin tape 5 days

Lip Lift

The distance between your upper lip and nose is called as the philtrum. If too long, it can make your upper lip look more inward and thinner than it really is – which, in turn, affects how your face looks.

We apply first non-surgical plastic procedures to correct thin and shapeless lips. However, non-surgical solutions remain insufficient, and when you want a more permanent solution, lip lift surgery is applied.

During this procedure, the surgeon makes an incision in the lower part of your nose, tightens your muscles using electro-cauterization (with heat energy), removes any excess skin as planned, and then hides the scar in the lower part of your nose.

The result is a lifted, more outward-turned upper lip in which the pink part is more visible.

lip lift
yavuz ozsular sorun

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    lip lift 2 1

    Everyone’s face has its own unique proportion and symmetry. That said, the average ideal upper lip/nose distance is 12 to 15 mm.

    Lift lip will:

    • Make your upper lip stand out.
    • Balance your lip lines in proportion to your face.
    • Give your face a younger, more baby-like expression with dynamic upper lips.
    • Shorten the distance between your upper lip and nose.

    It depends on what your previous nose-upper lip line distance was in the first place. The surgery would remove at most 10 to 15 mm of skin to maintain integrity. For example, if that distance was 20 mm before surgery, then you will reach your ideal size as soon as your tissue gets removed; your new distance will be proportionate to your face. Dr. Ozsular will examine you first and come up with a solution that best suits you.

    During your examination, Dr. Ozsular will listen to your expectations and complaints and examine your lip structure as well as the quality of your skin. In this procedure, your skin quality is important for your scar healing, as an incision is made on the lower part of your nose – opening up the risk of potential scaring.

    If you want to undergo this surgery, you should take possibility of scarring into account.

    Plastic surgery is an art that pays immense attention to detail. As the techniques we use advance, so are the sutures we use.

    Just as every person’s skin structure, hair and eye color, skin color, and height are different, so are the ways in which their bodies react to trauma and in which their scars heal. Some people don’t develop any trace of scarring at all because they’ve got great skin and have healed well. Some develop slight scaring that fades with time but never completely goes away. Others develop scars that never go away even after they’ve healed – this (because it is in a visible area) can unfortunately leave them dissatisfied with their results.

    Before the surgery, you should have the requested tests and examinations. Also if you’re on any medications, inform him. Likewise, the same goes for anticoagulants– if he tells you stop using them, then do so one week before surgery, as they may increase your bleeding.

    Try to reduce how much salt you consume as well before the surgery. This will reduce your risk of developing edema.

    Type of anesthesia you go under depends entirely on your level of comfort. That said, as this is a simple procedure for an expert and experienced surgeon, it generally is done under local anesthesia. If you don’t like the idea of being awake during the surgery, the procedure is realized with a light sedation anesthesia. If you’re to undergo more than one procedure at once, then the surgery is conducted under general anesthesia.

    Local Anesthesia

    You won’t be required to fast beforehand. Don’t any make-up, or any metal accessories (including piercings). The doctor will sterilize your face before the surgery and then apply local anesthesia to the operation site by injection. You won’t feel any pain but will be fully conscious. After the surgery is completed, he’ll make your dressing. No overnight stay in hospital will be required. If you feel good and rest a bit first, you can go home on the same day.


    The lip lift surgery will be conducted with sedation anesthesia and you’ll have to fast for six hours before the surgery. (If you forget to do so, your surgery may be postponed or canceled.) Don’t wear any make-up, jewelry, watches, piercings, perfume, deodorant, or hair gel.

    Before the surgery, you’ll be sedated – after which point Dr. Ozsular will begin working on your lips. After the surgery, he’ll put on your dressings and slowly wake you up. You’ll then be sent back to your room to rest and snack on something light. If you feel well, you then can return home.

    General Anesthesia

    If you’re having multiple procedures done to you at once, you’ll be put under general anesthesia. In the part of the other procedure, which will be conducted under general anesthesia, it is explained in detail how you should come to the hospital... Dr. Ozsular and his assistant will also inform you.

    You will develop swelling and edema after the surgery – this is normal. You can alleviate this by applying a cold compress as prescribed by the doctor.

    Your recovery period lasts for 4 and 6 days, after which point you can return to work and your normal routine. You won’t require any bed rest.

    After your dressings are removed, Dr. Ozsular will prescribe you anti-scar cream to use.  You should avoid direct sunlight for the first few days – wear a hat and sunscreen.

    You can do mild pilates, stretch, and go for walks; but you must wait at least two weeks before you engage in intensive sports and high-tempo cardio.

    Try to protect your face from any impact. Also don’t move your face a lot or open your mouth wide until you are sure that your sutures have healed well.

    It varies between 20 and 40 minutes.

    Yes, you can one hour after surgery – but preferably a light soup. You shouldn’t eat anything that will cause you to chew or make your mouth move too much for the first few days.

    Many people choose having lip fillers done first as it doesn’t come with any risk of scarring. However, it is not a permanent solution, and therefore needs to be repeated at certain intervals. That said, they are less invasive than lip lift. They are great for you if the pink part of your lip already has enough volume.

    For some people, the distance between their nose and lips is great. If this distance is shorted, you will never have a proportional appearance. Surgery thus should be planned by keeping the risk of scarring in mind beforehand. The biggest disadvantage of this surgery is that the scars of some people recover well after the surgery; others aren’t so lucky. The biggest advantage, on the other hand, is that lip lifts offer a permanent solution.

    If you were to have both the lift and filler done at the same time, you may end up with more striking results – including better shaped lips and an ideal nose-lip distance.

    After your dressing gets removed, you’ll need to put on anti-scar cream (as prescribed by the doctor).

    Moreover, you should avoid exposing yourself to direct sunlight. When going out, you’ll need to wear high-factor sunscreen (and often!), as well as a hat and mask.  

    Putting on various oils or creams (as recommended by the doctor) will help your wounds recover faster.

    You could also benefit from stem-cell-based injections; stem cells are agents that help repair and heal wounds.

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