Full Abdominoplasty
Full Abdominoplasty
If you suffer from excess skin, sagging, or severe deformation around your abdomen area after losing a large amount of weight, or you have sagging above the umbilicus, then you need a full abdominoplasty. Liposuction will be also planned for more effective and successful results.
Dr. Ozsular will first examine you to decide whether you need a full or mini abdominoplasty. The difference between these two procedures lies in the degree and place of deformation in your abdomen.
This operation is conducted under general anesthesia. First, your skin will be cut from your abdomen (staying inside the underwear). Next, the muscles under your abdominal skin will be repaired and converged to create an intermuscular integrity. Then, your abdominal skin will be brought up to the area beneath your breast, and your umbilicus will be reshaped. Any excess fat will be taken via liposuction to give your abdomen a flat look. Last, your abdomen will be sutured and closed in the same place it was first cut open, and a corset will be put on you. Abdominoplasty is an operation making your stomach area look more aesthetic.
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Full abdominoplasty will:
- Free you up now that you’ve lost large amount of fat, and enable to have a normal social life and even go clothes shopping again.
- Allow you to move your body more easily and do sports because you’re lighter after the surgery.
- Rid you of wounds, diaper rash, and sweating because you’ll have no more excess skin folds which cause them.
- Give you a tighter and more voluminous abdomen by repairing its muscles and also compact and organize your internal organs.
- Free your abdomen of excess skin (a burden on both your waist and body).
- Make your abdomen smoother. Makes your waist curvier (if you’re a woman.) Having more feminine lines will give you self-confidence and the freedom to wear whatever you want.
- (For men) – Give you a more chiseled abdominal and waist line. If you do sports, you’ll gain even more muscle, thus enhancing your results all the better!