Penile Lengthening And
Girth Enhancement

Operation Period
1-2 Hours
10 Days
Hospital Stay
1 Night
Dressing Period
5 Days

Penis And Perception On Penis

The penis is an organ of both the man’s excretory and reproductive system.

It urinates via the excretory system and ejects semen (which contains sperm) via the reproductive system.

Average penis length (and how it is perceived) varies based on ethnicity and race. Congolese men’s penises are 18 cm long on average, whilst South Korean men’s penises are 9.6 cm long on average.

Scientifically speaking, the ideal penis length falls between 9 and 16 cm and 4 to 5 cm thick. That said, while flaccid penis length can range between 3 and 9 cm, erect penis length can range between 13 and 16 cm.

erkek penis estetigi
yavuz ozsular sorun

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    Examples from other countries regarding average penis length: Colombia – 17.03 cm, Brazil – 16.01 cm, Denmark – 15.8 cm, Mexico – 15.1 cm, Sweden –14.8 cm, The United Kingdom – 13.9 cm, Spain – 13.8 cm, Russia – 13.2 cm, and Portugal – 13.1 cm. Here in Turkey, it is 13.9 cm.

    Besides differences in size between one country and the next, their point of view, perception, length and thickness of the penis also differ.

    Sometimes, patients come to us to lengthen their penis if small, others request from us to lengthen and thicken their penises.

    During penis enlargement surgery, we dissect suspensory ligament at the root of the penis (radix penis) and provide maneuver by 1.5 to 2 cm. Deep suspensory ligament connects radix penis to pelvis and forms a strong bond between the two.  In penile lengthening, we dissect some part of that ligament and release it at a rate of around 80%. Afterwards, we extract the part of penis within pubic outwards, thereby lengthening it. Releasing of this ligament does not damage your penis or sexual functions, or your ability to have an erection.

    At present, no surgery or technology can open the penis from the inside and enlarge. Should someone discover such a procedure, it’ll take the world by storm. Current enlargement surgery does not lengthen the penis completely; rather, it gives one the feeling of enlargement. Men who apply for this surgery state that even a 2-cm enlargement makes a big difference.

    Moreover, we remove fat from your pubic region via liposuction to make your penis look 0.5 to 2 cm longer.

    In penis enlargement surgeries, penile lengthening and girth enhancement can be done together according to the request of the patient, while sometimes only lengthening or only girth enhancement can be planned.

    In contrast to penile lengthening, penile girth enhancement surgery, on the other hand, offers you more realistic and visibly permanent results. First, we remove fat from another part of your body via liposuction, process it, and then re-injected into certain spots around the penis without leaving behind a single scar.

    During your pre-operative examination, Dr. Ozsular first will listen to your expectations and complaints. Next, he’ll do a physical examination to assess the length, girth, anatomical structure, and curvature of your penis and ask you if you’re suffering from erectile dysfunction.

    You need to have realistic expectations and establish good dialogue with the doctor. For example, we cannot boost your erect penis length from 11 cm to 18 cm – all we can do is make it look a couple of centimeters bigger.

    Finally, Dr. Ozsular will make a planning to treat your problem and offer you maximum results – including provide you with details about your surgery and its outcomes.

    Dr. Ozsular will ask you to have some routine blood tests.

    Dr. Ozsular may tell you to use or temporarily stop using certain medications – in which case you should do so.

    If you smoke, you should quit two weeks beforehand.

    Try to reduce how much salt you consume as well one week before the surgery. This will reduce your risk of developing edema.

    You are allowed to eat as well as drink water until 00:00 (12 AM) the night before your surgery. Since the surgery will be conducted under general anesthesia, you will need to fast for at least six hours prior to the procedure. (If you forget to do so, your surgery may be postponed or canceled.)

    Don’t forget to take a bath/shower the night before the surgery. (Your penis/genital area shouldn’t come in contact with water for ….. days, after the surgery)

    Don’t wear nail polish or enamel.

    Don’t wear hair gel.

    Don’t wear wigs. Don’t wear any jewelry (including piercings) – your body should be free of metal.

    Also, don’t forget to put together an overnight bag – including loose clothes (preferably with zippers/buttons)– before you come in for the surgery. You also should wear comfortable sneakers.

    On the morning of the surgery, you will be taken to your room to rest. Your final preparations for the surgery will be conducted. Dr. Ozsular and his assistant will come and visit you.

    With the administration of general anesthesia for your operation, your doctor will begin sculpting your new penis, as planned.

    After the surgery is over, the doctor will photograph your penis and apply local anesthesia, and do your dressing. Local anesthesia applications allow you to wake up comfortably, so you do not feel any pain while you are waking up.

    You wake up comfortably without any pain or ache.

    You may feel dizzy for the first few hours after the surgery upon return– this is caused by the effects of the general anesthesia. This is normal and temporary.  You’ll be able to eat a light soup 3-4 hours after the surgery.

    Since the surgery is performed under general anesthesia, it is not possible to feel pain. During your hospital stay after the surgery, you will not feel any discomfort as analgesics will be given.

    If a drain is placed during the surgery, it will be removed the day after. You’ll be asked to stay overnight because we use general anesthesia.

    It is normal that you suffer from pain for the first 2-3 days after you are discharged. The use of analgesics for 3-4 days will help you to be comfortable during this process. Don’t forget to take any medications given to you as prescribed.

    Your first control will take place 3 to 4 days after the surgery, during which we will remove your dressing.

    You’ll be allowed to take short warm showers, but you can’t wet the area you had surgery on until we tell you to do so (at your first control)

    You may develop slight ecchymosis or edema depending on how your body reacts to the trauma – this, too, is normal and temporary.

    If you want to heal faster, be sure to eat a balanced diet heavy in animal- and plant-based proteins. Also, try not to smoke.

    Make sure to protect your genitals from strikes at all costs. You may also experience light bleeding around your incision site for the first three days – this too is normal. However, if you experience excessive bleeding, then please notify your doctor or go to him or a clinic/hospital immediately.

    You won’t require bed rest for the first 5 days. You however can rest, take slow walks, and even sunbathe. You may have trouble sitting, standing, and walking. You are not allowed to lift anything heavy or run. You should protect penis from any impact. Although it is an interesting and exciting process, you should not remove your dressings.

    Your first control will take place 3 to 4 days after the surgery, during which we will change your bandages, and allow you to take a shower.

    You’ll be able to go for slow walks, return to work, and return back to your normal life a week later – provide you avoid doing any heavy labor.

    You’ll be able to exercise and do light stretching, which will not apply pressure on your penis, 15 to 20 days following the surgery.

    We advise that you don’t have sex for the first 3 to 4 weeks after the surgery.

    You’ll be able to return to normal 2 months later.

    For the first three weeks, your penis will be more swollen and erect than normal and thus not look natural. As your edema subsides, your tissues will stabilize. You’ll see your permanent results 3 months later.

    If you’re having penile girth enhancement surgery done, then you’ll see your actual girth as soon as the edema subsides.  40 to 60% of the transferred fat will remain there permanently.

    You’ll also see your new size better when the edema around your pubic area subsides.

    In lengthening surgery, we’ll make an incision along your radix penis and its curved area. And the wound healing of this area having a good blood build-up is generally good, depending on the person.

    Penile girth enhancement surgery leaves behind no scarring as it is finely injection based.

    Enlargement surgery can make your penis look 2 to 3 cm longer and 25 to 30% thicker. This varies from patient to patient and on the procedure in question.

    The average flaccid penis length ranges 3 and 9 cm while being in the sea, resting, being in the shower, and a drop in body temperature can alter this. The ideal length of an erect penis ranges between 13 and 16 cm (and regarded as normal/average if it is 11-12 cm). A micropenis is described as any penis that is less than 7 cm long when erect.

    Having a penis in the lower limits or smaller than the normal ranges can harm your self-confidence, given that penis constitutes more than just a sex organ for a man.

    Women are less shy about admitting that their vagina needs plastic surgery (contracting, esthetic… whatever the case may be). Men, in contrast, have a much more difficult time accepting that they’ve got a small penis, taking a step up and do something about it.

    No, it will neither improve nor worsen your sexual performance. In fact, what it will do is indirectly boost your self-confidence, thus positively affecting your sexual self-confidence and performance.

    No, we do not expect any problems since there is no intervention in the urinary tract after the surgery.

    You can start having sex again 3 to 4 weeks after your surgery.

    Post-operative bleeding, dehiscence, and risk of infection are among the general surgical risks (as is the case with any surgery!). You may also experience mild fat asymmetry/accumulation in the early period. All of these usually go away by themselves or can be corrected with minor interventions.

    No, it will provide maneuver to only lengthen and/or thicken your penis. It won’t bear any impact (positive or negative) on your sperm quality or count.

    No, it isn’t – just like a long penis won’t necessarily give a woman outstanding sexual pleasure, either. Sexual intercourse is about more than just penis size or vagina width – it is also about love, chemistry between you and your partner, energy, your hormones, and many other things.

    The above said, if, of course, you think your penis is too small and want to make it longer or thicker, Dr. Ozsular can help you for planning the surgery.

    Only in the early period you may experience some loss in sensation – however, this is temporary.

    Any man over age 18 can have surgery done – provided that their health permits it and they want a longer, thicker penis.

    Our patients frequently ask us this. It is very rational for patients to undergo a plastic surgery as a whole while they have allotted time and cost for an operation and have received anesthesia.

    In short, the answer is yes – if upon your request, your health permits and Dr. Ozsular gives you the green light. Most people who undergo penis surgery also have body shaping done as well – especially having their abdominal area via liposuction.

    It depends on the nature and duration of the procedure. Sometimes we use local anesthesia; sometimes we use spinal or general anesthesia. Generally-speaking, patients prefer general anesthesia to feel more comfortable.

    Penis lengthening is permanent. Likewise, your penis will age with you normally.

    Penile grift enhancement is done via fat transfer. Approximate 40 to 60% of that fat will remain in your body forever; the rest will melt away as in other fat transfer. You can take this procedure again later on to make your penis even thicker.

    Fat transfer is planned for men who want a thicker, fuller-looking penis. Some of that fat stays with you; the rest dissolves a way. Moreover, you’ll get to enjoy the benefits of stem cells as well.

    First, we’ll take fat from another part of your body (e.g. abdomen, waist hips..) via liposuction, process and filter it in an air-locked closed system to obtain stem cell-rich fat, and then we inject that into your penis to give it volume and make it look younger. Since your own tissue will immediately bond with and adapt to other tissues in the transfer area, this gives you natural contour lines. Approximate 40 to 60% of that fat will remain in your body for longer times; the rest will melt away.

     Stem cells are agents that repair and renew your tissues and other cells. As soon as they settle into their new environment, they’ll detect subcutaneous damage and fix it immediately.

    Since it is your own tissue, there is little risk of tissue rejection or allergy.

    As with any other surgical procedures, penile lengthening and girth enhancement procedures require well planning, experience, and a meticulous surgery or else deformities can develop after your edema subsides. These can include your penis turning upwards, bending, or looking buried. It may also mean your penis being unevenly thick along the shaft (etc.), developing sores… and other nasty possibilities.

    It is possible to correct this six months after you’ve had your initial surgery. However, operations for correction should not be performed until the edema subsides and the penis becomes stabilized.

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